Val McCray

Val McCray is a Recruiting Manager.  He specializes in the direct placement of Accounting Operations and Bookkeeping professionals.  Val brings over 10 years of experience in recruiting, client relations and banking experience.

Joined InSearch – 2024

First Job – My actual first job was a paperboy in Pennsylvania. However, my first taxable job was with Kmart.

Free Time – Spending time with my kids. Usually playing basketball with the oldest or helping the youngest with her music.

Best Vacation – Disneyland.

Dream Vacation – Maldives

Best Career Advice – “Nobody, on their death bed, says ‘I wish I would have been in the office more’”

One thing people would be surprised to know – I do a lot of volunteer work (Ronald McDonald House, ReConnect, Habitat, etc)

Random Thing About Me – I used to write rap music for local artists

Favorite Food – Sushi (has to be Blue Sushi)

Food I Hate – Liver & Onions

Pet Peeve – People who suck their teeth between sentences

Favorite TV show- Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Favorite Hobby – Photography

Favorite Book – Art of War

Best Movie Quote – “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get”